Flygut: an atlas of the Drosophila adult midgut

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Home Overview of gut regions Anatomy Histology Transgene expression mapping Gene expression
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Gene name Fip1
Flybase description This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel\Fip1 (CG1078, FBgn0037255).
Expression data along the gut
    Crop Cardia/R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Hindgut Full gut
    Ratio gene/RPL42 -9.5418 -5.8373 -7.101448 -8.2843 -9.892624 -9.1091 -9.58524 -9.725418
    Affimetrix absolute value 5.171 5.083 5.375 5.343 5.477 5.433 5.309 4.986
    Affymetric present call in "x" number of chips 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 1
Intestinal gene expression in different physiological conditions There is not condition-dependent expression data available for this gene.
Gene details (from Flybase) It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster.
There is experimental evidence that it has the molecular function: protein binding.
There is experimental evidence that it is involved in the biological process: histone mRNA 3'-end processing.
3 alleles are reported.
No phenotypic data is available.
It has one annotated transcript and one annotated polypeptide.
Protein features are: FF domain; Pre-mRNA polyadenylation factor Fip1.
Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression.
Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages.